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The Rainbow Mountains in Cusco and Biking the Andes

The Rainbow Mountains in Cusco, aside from Machu Picchu, are one of the most famous places in this region of Peru. There are not many people that know there are a few trails in the region that leads to these colorful peaks. Thanks to this, you can spend time at this colorful destination without tons of tourists. As long as you take the road less traveled. Additionally there is one trail which can be traversed downhill on a bike starting at 4,820 m. above sea level.

Rainbow Mountians in Cusco and bicycle trips – Palcoyo

You can experience these two wonderful attractions in just one day. Discover with us the Cusco region of Peru from a slightly different perspective.

The less popular (but not less beautiful) rainbow mountain in Cusco is named, Palcoyo. It is available not only for those who love trekking, but also for those who cannot walk long distances (or simply don’t want to). That is why we love this place so much. It is an approachable destination for every person of most abilities, even children.

Each time we visit this place, we discover something new. New trails, new places, and new possibilities.We also have opportunities for bicycle enthusiasts!

Ridding downhill from Rainbow Mountains from 4,820 m. above sea level

You can experience these two wonderful attractions in just one day. Discover with us the Cusco region of Peru from a slightly different perspective.

We tested this route during a perfect April day. Our brave team (who did not expect such adventure) did a very good job. It was very long day, but full of new experiences. Of course, bike riding the whole trail is not possible, due to the elevation.

The bicycle route takes around 2-3 hours. You can extend it by one additional hour in a flat area (if you wish). You will be riding downhill on tarmac from 4,820 m. above sea level to 3,600 m. above sea level. You will meet many alpacas, lamas, and small Andean villages on the way and many great local people who are not connected with tourism businesses in any way.

You can have this experience of bike riding downhill with the Rainbow Mountains in the background, after trekking the mountains themselves. Thanks to this method of travel we are able to enjoy two attractions in one day.

Each time we visit this place, we discover something new. New trails, new places, and new possibilities.We also have opportunities for bicycle enthusiasts!

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